A Refiner's Fire (2024) by Donna Leon
A Refiner's Fire (2024) by Donna Leon
A Refiner's Fire (2024)
(Book 33 in the Commissario Brunetti Mystery series)
A novel by Donna Leon
In the thirty-third installment of Donna Leon¡¯s magnificent series, Commissario Guido Brunetti confronts a present-day Venetian menace and the ghosts of a heroism that never was
Around one AM on an early spring morning, two teenage gangs are arrested after clashing violently in one of Venice¡¯s squares. Commissario Claudia Griffoni, on duty that night, perhaps ill-advisedly walks the last of the boys home because his father, Dario Monforte, failed to pick him up at the Questura. Coincidentally, Guido Brunetti is asked by a wealthy friend of Vice-Questore Patta to vet Monforte for a job, triggering Brunetti¡¯s memory that twenty years earlier Monforte had been publicly celebrated as the hero of a devastating bombing of the Italian military compound in Iraq. Yet Monforte had never been awarded a medal either by the Carabinieri, his service branch, or by the Italian government.
That seeming contradiction, and the brutal attack on one of Brunetti¡¯s colleagues, Enzo Bocchese, by a possible gang member, concentrate Brunetti¡¯s attentions. Surprisingly empowered by Patta, supported by Signorina Elettra¡¯s extraordinary research abilities and by his wife, Paola¡¯s, empathy, Brunetti, with Griffoni, gradually discovers the sordid hypocrisy surrounding Monforte¡¯s past, culminating in a fiery meeting of two gangs and a final opportunity for redemption.
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