Clean Finish (2024) by Lily Mayne
Clean Finish (2024) by Lily Mayne
Clean Finish (2024)
(The second book in the Goliaths of Wrestling series)
A novel by Lily Mayne
Look, here¡¯s the thing.
I¡¯m young, carefree, and my job as the assistant to Holt, manager and owner of the Goliaths of Wrestling, means I¡¯m surrounded by half-naked beefcake wrestlers all day. Of courseI¡¯m going to be interested in¡ getting to know them all better. It would be, like, illegal for me to not lust after them all, right?
There¡¯s just one hurdle I have to get over first before I can¡ get to knowthe wrestlers in the way I want. And that hurdle makes me really, really freaking nervous.
So I come up with an amazing idea. Holt¡¯s bodyguard Seb, a werewolf, is the quiet, dependable, calm presence in the office. He¡¯s safe. He¡¯s not as intimidating as the wrestlers, and we¡¯re kind ofbuddies, so I decide to ask him for help with my little¡ predicament.
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