Do Not Disturb (2022) by Mia Monroe
Do Not Disturb (2022) by Mia Monroe
Do Not Disturb (2022)
(The third book in the California Crush series)
A novel by Mia Monroe
If pining was an Olympic event, I¡¯d win the gold.
The minute Charles walks into my life, I¡¯m done for. He¡¯s everything I¡¯m not- focused, serious, career-oriented. He¡¯s also gorgeous, intelligent, and sexy as all heck. I¡¯m allergic to relationships and my idea of a quiet night is going to only one bar. But I can¡¯t resist my handsome coworker, even if he¡¯s clearly not interested.
What¡¯s a guy to do when the only person who makes me want more doesn¡¯t feel the same? Become his friend, of course. With me by his side, I¡¯ll show Charles all there is to love about his new life in Southern California, and if I¡¯m lucky, he¡¯ll take down his Do Not Disturb sign and let me in. As he uncovers his inner femme, I discover that winning his heart is a challenge I¡¯m definitely up for.
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