Echoes of the Past (2023)by David Wardhaugh
Echoes of the Past (2023)by David Wardhaugh
Echoes of the Past (Adam Turner Book 3) Kindle Edition
(2023)by David Wardhaugh
Evelyn Young is a retired schoolteacher, living in Gateshead during the 1960s. She spends her days quietly pottering around town and having lunch with friends. Lydia Eves is a retired nurse and spends her time painting. The two women had met during the war and had become firm friends.
Who would be interested in two such unassuming women? But someone in the community has been watching Lydia for a long time and is very keen to learn the secrets Lydia has spent years trying to keep buried.
A mystery from Lydia¡¯s time living in Switzerland is about to resurface and will bring danger to the two friends.
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