George Washington's Momentous Year (2024)by Gary Ecelbarger
George Washington's Momentous Year (2024)by Gary Ecelbarger
George Washington's Momentous Year: Twelve Months that Transformed the Revolution, Vol. I: The Philadelphia Campaign, July to December 1777 Kindle Edition
(2024)by Gary Ecelbarger
On July 4, 1777, George Washington was so consumed with where the British would strike that he ignored the nation¡¯s first birthday. One year later, Washington created an independence celebration so spectacular that soldiers proudly recalled it in their old age. As historian Gary Ecelbarger explains in George Washington¡¯s Momentous Year: Twelve Months that Transformed the Revolution, it was between these two antithetical anniversaries where the fight for independence under Washington¡¯s leadership changed from a precarious regional struggle to a global conflict. In August 1777, the British landed at Head of Elk, Maryland, and defeated the Continentals at Brandywine, White Horse Tavern, and Paoli, before occupying Philadelphia. Over the next several months, the forces clashed at Germantown, Red Bank, and White Marsh, and in December, Washington and his troops fell back to Valley Forge. Despite the immediacy of the Philadelphia campaign, Washington remained in charge of the entire Continental effort, and welcomed the American victory at Saratoga that secured an alliance with France.
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