Go On, Girl (2018)by Hilary Grossman
Go On, Girl (2018)by Hilary Grossman
Go On, Girl: A Novel (Forest River PTA Moms Book 1) Kindle Edition
(2018)by Hilary Grossman
Big Little Lies meets Class Mom!
Executive, wife, and mother of an outgoing first-grader, Sydney Clayton crushes her day-to-day obligations at work but flounders in the cutthroat world of parental politics.
She manages to avoid the local drama until she¡¯s faced with an ultimatum: join the Forest River PTA or risk her daughter becoming a social outcast. Sydney reluctantly becomes treasurer, and takes the recently vacated position of the president¡¯s sidekick. If protecting the children¡¯s freedom of speech, one best friend ban at a time, isn¡¯t complicated enough, Sydney and her husband receive an unexpected offer for their house they don¡¯t think they can refuse.
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