Kill Romeo (2022)by Andrew Diamond
Kill Romeo (2022)by Andrew Diamond
Kill Romeo (Freddy Ferguson Book 2) Kindle Edition
(2022)by Andrew Diamond
Not since he saw a woman hurry off of a jetliner shortly before it exploded in mid-air (Gate 76) has detective and former boxer Freddy Ferguson faced such a deadly puzzle as when he comes across the body of a well-dressed young woman, nameless and unidentifiable, deep in the woods of rural Virginia. In her room at the town inn, she left two mysterious notes hinting at a love gone wrong.
The trail to her killer leads through organized crime, espionage, and the international race for technological supremacy to a seemingly unremarkable man the FBI and CIA have been trying for years to pin down.
Praise for Gate 76 (Freddy Ferguson Series, Book 1)
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