One Fine Night(2024)by Kait Nolan
One Fine Night(2024)by Kait Nolan
One Fine Night(2024)by Kait Nolan
As a Royal Marine, I've taken on countless missions, but navigating life as a civilian might be the biggest challenge of all. I need to stay focused and figure out what the hell I'm doing with this early retirement.
Then she crosses my path. A stranger on a train, she instantly captures my imagination. A beautiful, vibrant distraction I didn't know I needed. And maybe something more...
When my charming companion faces unwanted advances, I step in, pretending to be her boyfriend. But the connection between us is too real to be an act.
What might have been only a brief encounter turns into an unforgettable night as we both find far more than we were looking for, if only we both have the courage to hold on.
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