Samurai Squadron II (2023)by Randolph Lalonde
Samurai Squadron II (2023)by Randolph Lalonde
Samurai Squadron II: Spinward Fringe Broadcast 19 Kindle Edition
(2023)by Randolph Lalonde
The Order of Eden and Citadel continue their efforts to dominate the Rose Solar System using their cult-like influence and military force.
Jake, Remmy and Agameg have finished gathering intelligence about their plans and plan to escape a space station where the enemy is recruiting. Captain Ruby Sima, a loyal ally, plans to get them out without being noticed so they can reunite with the Triton, but it will require some tricky manoeuvring and luck.
Wing Commander Minh-Chu Buu and members of the Triton crew return to the Bitter End Base to check on the Rebel Captains. During his visit, he discovers that a prospective member has done something horrendous to innocent explorers, and he has little time to save her victims. As he rushes off, a senior member of the Rebels has to draw the line between malicious piracy and purposeful privateering by making an example.
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